The Welcome Rant
I have decided to start this blog as I am constantly surfing the N-gage websites for information, so much so that sometimes I notice things like new websites, new information etc, before they appear in other sites. So I have decided to share my knowledge and create a blog which is updated daily (except when I am out getting pissed!) with all the news in the N-Gage community. Enjoy :)
For this first blog it's tempting to rant on about Pocket Kingdoms which is taking over my life, so much so that the wife is threatening to leave me! Well, not quite but if I keep on the way I am - honestly, it looks like the N-Gage is glued to my hands! - it will happen, I'm sure. Anyway, I will resist the urge and leave my PK rant for another day.
Instead, I would just like to mention how healthy the N-gage lineup is heading into the Christmas season. The N-gage faithful have stuck by Nokia for a year without hardly any releases, then all of a sudden we get about a dozen in the space of a month. I mean, what are we N-gager's supposed to do? Do Nokia think we are all millionaires? I'm only joking of course, because such a healthy release schedule can only be a good thing for Nokia. In fact, many critics in the media - who dismissed the N-gage when it was launched - are really surprised by the steadily slew of releases. Why? Because they all thought the N-gage was dead and buried about 3 months after release. They were unaware that Nokia were working night and day for almost a year preparing not only a new version of the N-gage, but also a bunch of innovative, high-quality games.
Without a doubt, Christmas 2004 is a good time to be playing N-Gage.
For this first blog it's tempting to rant on about Pocket Kingdoms which is taking over my life, so much so that the wife is threatening to leave me! Well, not quite but if I keep on the way I am - honestly, it looks like the N-Gage is glued to my hands! - it will happen, I'm sure. Anyway, I will resist the urge and leave my PK rant for another day.
Instead, I would just like to mention how healthy the N-gage lineup is heading into the Christmas season. The N-gage faithful have stuck by Nokia for a year without hardly any releases, then all of a sudden we get about a dozen in the space of a month. I mean, what are we N-gager's supposed to do? Do Nokia think we are all millionaires? I'm only joking of course, because such a healthy release schedule can only be a good thing for Nokia. In fact, many critics in the media - who dismissed the N-gage when it was launched - are really surprised by the steadily slew of releases. Why? Because they all thought the N-gage was dead and buried about 3 months after release. They were unaware that Nokia were working night and day for almost a year preparing not only a new version of the N-gage, but also a bunch of innovative, high-quality games.
Without a doubt, Christmas 2004 is a good time to be playing N-Gage.
At 12/03/2004 9:56 PM,
by Ewan Spence said…
Hey there!
Welcome aboard the N-Gage Websites. Got you bookmarked and looking forward to reading about you.
-- Ewan Spence
-- Editor, All About N-Gage
At 12/04/2004 7:53 AM,
Bhavi said…
nice to see some1 plan to update the website regularly..
i have similiar plans with as well and so far iv been doing good..
best of luck with this though
At 12/08/2004 2:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi there!
I also fall in the category "constantly surfing the N-gage websites for information" and in addition to notarious I find your site very valuable information source as well! Keep up the good work. I bet there are lot of people reading these sites, even if they just don't comment that much.
At 12/09/2004 11:39 AM,
by Ewan Spence said…
We're notorius over at All About N-Gage? What, why, what's up!?! Seriously, it;s rare for us at AAN to get feedback, so any comments appreciated.
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