The N-Gage Massive Fight Back
LOL! LOL! LOL! I have never laughed so much! It seems our advice for all N-Gage and PK lovers to get over to Gaming Headlines and slate their terrible review did the trick.
That Tobias bloke actually responded to all the flames telling everyone that he didn't care about their opinions! Not only did he write a terrible review but he further tarnished his reputation (if that's possible) by responding in such an amateurish way.
When I first saw this review I was angry about it. Now, I can't stop laughing at it! If I didn't know any better I would say Tobias is a comedian and he did this on purpose to make everyone laugh until their kidneys burst!
That Tobias bloke actually responded to all the flames telling everyone that he didn't care about their opinions! Not only did he write a terrible review but he further tarnished his reputation (if that's possible) by responding in such an amateurish way.
When I first saw this review I was angry about it. Now, I can't stop laughing at it! If I didn't know any better I would say Tobias is a comedian and he did this on purpose to make everyone laugh until their kidneys burst!
At 12/10/2004 7:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi! I like reading your N-Gage blog, it's the only one on the topic I've found so far.
However, I think this attack campaign was a bit silly. I agree that the Gaming Headlines review was somewhat curious - well, mostly the part about testing online game without going online - but that isn't a good reason to attack the reviewer personally. It's not like he insulted your mother or so. I've been on the receiving end of such a hate campaign for no good reason and I can tell you it's not fun. After all, reviewers are allowed to express their opinions, no matter how stupid someone might think they are.
I think the best way to deal with bad reviews on something you like is simply ignoring them. You lose nothing that way - organising hate campaigns just makes you look immature. After all, if all the other reviews are good (or decent, as it seems to be the case with Pocket Kingdom), what harm does one bad review do? And if it's such an amateurish review, everyone will notice and treat it accordingly, right?
I totally sympathise with Tobias when he says he doesn't care about the opinions of the flamers. When someone spits out rude, nasty things at me because they don't agree with me, you bet I won't give a shit. I'll just push delete on my blog comment system. Constructive and respectful criticism is the way to go, not insulting and personal attacks.
But hey, keep on writing the positive stuff. Your blog has been an interesting resource so far. Just write more about Pathway to Glory, please!
Mikko Saari (
At 12/10/2004 11:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
ch3mi0n from the Arena (still too lazy to sign up)
I responded to that guy's review also, but not as part of any "attack campaign". I responded because of how childish, misinformed and biased his review was. There were definately some good replies to his review though, he pretty much got reamed--not because he gave PK a bad review, but because he did so without having even review a full copy of the game. How can someone do a supposed full review of a game and have only tested half (or less) of the game itself? More than half of the features of PK have to do with online play. The copy of PK they tested when reviewing it didn't have online capability, it was a demo copy.
There's nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe. It's not an attack on the guy, he just took it personally. In fact he's the one that came to the N-Gage Arena forums and started posting immaturely in response to the amount of feedback he recieved.
At 12/11/2004 9:53 AM,
Paul Drummond said…
Mikko said: "Hi! I like reading your N-Gage blog, it's the only one on the topic I've found so far."Thank you very much - it's positive comments like this that motivate me to keep the blog activate!
Mikko said: "However, I think this attack campaign was a bit silly."
what harm does one bad review do? It affects the GameRankings score which is very important. Many developers in this industry base their sucess on GameRankings score, believe it or not so such a badly written review does do harm!
Mikko Said: "It's not like he insulted your mother or so." He may as well have! Only kidding but you know, us N-Gage followers are a sensitive bunch - our beloved gamedeck has had a very rocky start and we (and Nokia) are totally depending on the success of games like PK and Pathway To Glory so when we see a review written so badly, we can't help ourselves.
Mikko said: "And if it's such an amateurish review, everyone will notice and treat it accordingly, right?"Not necessarily. 99% of gamers out there think the N-Gage is a joke and many would probably agree with that review due to the N-Gage's reputation. That's why it was so important to ensure the review was trashed - the N-Gage cannot afford to have such a badly written review taken seriously by the general public.
Mikko Said: "I totally sympathise with Tobias when he says he doesn't care about the opinions of the flamers. "Tobias should not have posted those comments - no professional in their right mind would have posted such amateurish replies no matter how much flaming they receive. By being a reviewer you always run the risk of being slated about your views - it's part of the job, but you shouldn't take it personally.
Mikko Said: "Just write more about Pathway to Glory, please!"Maybe when I buy it :) Too busy with PK right now !!!
Thank you very much again for your comments!
At 12/13/2004 4:24 AM,
KingJack said…
Very good Blog, simple, understandable, useful... Great.
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